A Personal Travel Blog

Posts tagged “Treasure Island

Abandoned Military Base: Treasure Island

Abandoned Barracks at Treasure Island

Abandoned Barracks at Treasure Island

Treasure Island is for the most part abandoned. The Island started life as a spot for the World’s Fair of 1939. Much of the Island was created on existing muscle shoals located in San Francisco  bay. The landfill from the building of the Oakland Bay Bridge was then trucked in and dumped into the shoals. After the 1939 World’s Fair, the city of San Francisco had plans to use it as an airport, but then WWII happened and the island was turned over to the military to use as a base. The base closed down in the 1990’s and has many abandoned buildings.

Broken window panes at Treasure Island

Broken window panes at Treasure Island

Abandoned Bowling Alley at Treasure Island

Abandoned Bowling Alley at Treasure Island

Abandoned Movie Theater at Treasure Island

Abandoned Movie Theater at Treasure Island

This is by far the biggest abandonment I have ever seen! Everywhere you look are rows and rows of buildings that are boarded up.

Abandoned Barracks at Treasure Island

Abandoned Barracks at Treasure Island

An old walkway at an abandoned barrack

An old walkway at an abandoned barrack

Abandoned Warehouse

Abandoned Warehouse

Abandoned Swimming Pool at Treasure Island

Abandoned Swimming Pool at Treasure Island

Interior of one of the barracks

Interior of one of the barracks at Treasure Island

Burned up building on Treasure Island

Burned up building on Treasure Island

Shot of the Oakland Bay Bridge from Treasure Island

Shot of the Oakland Bay Bridge from Treasure Island

Processing Station at Treasure Island

Processing Station at Treasure Island

Abandoned Warehouse at Treasure Island

Abandoned Warehouse at Treasure Island

A shot of Alcatraz Island from Treasure Island

A shot of Alcatraz Island from Treasure Island

Amazing Views of San Francisco can be seen from Treasure Island

Amazing Views of San Francisco can be seen from Treasure Island